Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Jack at 7 Months
** You have gotten so big the baby swings motor finally stopped working from the excessive weight.
** You eat a tablespoon of rice cereal in the morning (soon it will be oatmeal...much better) and a half a jar of baby food in the evening. You will eat ANYTHING!
** You drink water out of a sippy cup...sometimes too much comes out and you start to cough/choke and you make a funny face. It's pretty cute.
** You sleep from 8:30 pm to 7:30-8:00 am....and I am still very thankful for your sleep habits.
** You hold your own bottle now, although you have a tendency to play with it while feeding and it gets all over your face.
** You are in the beginning phase of scooting to get where you want to be. It seems that you know what you are supposed to do with your legs, but not quite what you are supposed to do to get your arms moving. So you just kind of projectile your way across the floor.
** You do not like to sit and be still for as long of periods as you used to. In fact, you do not like it much at all and are always trying to move.
** You bounce up and down when you are on your legs.
** You still do not have any teeth....or hardly any hair.
** You have started trying to break (or create) the world record for loudest/strongest raspberries and you are very cute when you spit all over your father trying to do this.
** You just took your first plane ride and had your first vacation in Wisconsin. You did very well on the plane, especially because any time you started to make noise, we stuck a bottle in your mouth and that always helps.
Friday, August 14, 2009
My New Baby
I love you!!!
Not a great picture, but here's a photo that you took of me with human baby Jack...
I'm looking forward to all of the good times we will spend together.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Jack at 6 Months
- You like to eat paper (e.g. magazines, catalogs, etc...) and you get angry if we pull it away from you because you are not supposed to be eating it.
- You are really trying to get up into a crawling position...and you have, for about a millisecond.
- You have eaten (in this order) rice cereal, squash, green beans, peas, and applesauce and you have not protested any of them...this contributes to your chubbiness.
- You still do not have any teeth, but I swear they are coming soon.
- You are quickly growing out of your infant car seat, and just about everything else.
- You love to blow raspberries.
- You have gotten sick for the first time and had your first fever (103.3)...apparently due to an ear infection. You have received your first taste of antibiotics...and you seem to like it.
- Those antibiotics gave you diarrhea, which has been absolutely wonderful for mommy and daddy (I say sarcastically).
- You are 19.5 pounds. Up two pounds from your checkup in early June. We only found out due to the after hours visit to the doctor's office for your high fever. You keep getting bigger and bigger and the only assumption that I can make is that you will be 850 pounds by the time you are 20.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
It Was Inevitable
The little guy got sick for the first time yesterday. He was a little bit grumpy on Sunday and then a bit more grumpy yesterday. And Jack is not a grumpy boy. He's usually very mellow. My sister, his "nanny", said that he had been pulling at his ears a little bit, but when we got home, he wasn't doing that. We took his temperature and it was 103.3. We called after hours care and they said to bring him in, so we took the first non regular check up visit to the doctor's office. We thought we might dodge this until Jack went back into a daycare center, but not so. Looks like he has the beginnings of an ear infection (one of his ears apparently much worse than the other). Bummer. They gave him a shot of antibiotic and sent us home with some and we gave him some infant Tylenol. At first, when we tried to put him to bed, he was screaming, crying and just not having it. He wouldn't calm down until I picked him up. I know somethings wrong when he's like this because my baby is a sleeper and usually has no problem going down. Well, after a while of him not going to sleep, we decided to put a couple of pillows under his mattress to raise it a little (as I read on the internet this may help with some babies). Well, he was either very confused by it or it worked because he fell asleep after that. I had to go in a couple of times to give him more infant Tylenol and he fussed a couple of other times, but for the most part, not so bad. At the beginning of the night, I thought I wouldn't get any sleep, but he did well. He had no other symptoms, which is good, and this morning his temperature went down to 99.1. So hopefully with the antibiotics, he will get better quickly. It's so very sad to see him in pain. I don't like it at all.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
I'm so Behind the Times
Sunday, June 28, 2009
My Future's So Bright...
We bought Jack some cool baby sunglasses from mfs eyewear. They are absolutely adorable on him! He's one cool dude.
Jack had a play date over the weekend. His buddy is three weeks older than him and he seems more advanced for his age than Jack (it's always hard not to compare). I don't think Jack is behind or anything, I just think that his friend is ahead for his age. One difference though is that Jack sleeps through the night and his friend doesn't (his poor mommy). I guess I will take that. I like sleep!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I'm Obsessed
Here's a couple of examples of what you can do:
Below, here's what I did using the pencil sketch format:
Neat, huh?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Bachelorette
Last night we saw Jillian and the boys take a multi-day train ride through the Rocky Mountains, which I for one, would love to do. The scenery on the trip looked absolutely amazing!
Jillian first went on a one on one Robbie the bartender. She did not feel he was ready for the long term and gave him the boot. He was cute, but she’s right, he is probably too young and doesn’t seem quite like he knows what he wants in life yet. Later, Jillian had a date with Kiptyn, Michael, Wes, Jesse, Tanner and Jake where they went snowshoeing and hung out at a dream cabin. Wes let it be known that he is basically there for promoting himself (as if we didn’t know that). Tanner decided that he would put himself out there (as he thinks that he is too shy sometimes) and showed off his package (covered up though) in front of Jillian and the rest of the guys. I can’t help but laugh at him. Later in the hot tub (there’s always got to be a hot tub), she gave my man Kiptyn the rose.
Jillian had her second one on one with Reid, who the boys say is neurotic (and he is a little bit). They went snowboarding and she was impressed that he decided to snowboard when he did not know how (apparently he knows how to ski really well). They spent some time in an ice lounge and then cozied up together. She seems to like him and she gave him a rose.
Rose Ceremony:
My thoughts:
I sooo wish she would have gotten rid of Wes. I cannot see what Jillian sees in him and it sucks for her that she doesn’t realize who he truly is. I really wish that Tanner would have whispered when he was leaving that Wes is the one with the girlfriend. He didn’t…but, in the previews for next week, it looks like Jake comes back to let her know. Yay! Usually I don’t like vengeance as it can look desperate, but I really don’t like Wes and think that him lying to Jillian is making her look bad, and so I hope that Jake tells her the truth and that she believes him. If she doesn’t, then something is wrong with that girl. If she really wants a long term partner, she has to stay away from the bad boys and if everyone is telling you he is bad and that he’s not there for you, then there is usually some truth to that. Sometimes you can believe what you hear.
My favorites are Reid and Kiptyn and I am still rooting for Kiptyn to go all the way. He was my choice from the first time they showed him, so I’m glad he’s still there. On Deanna’s season though, Jason was my pick from the first time they showed him, so my judgment may not always be the best. Hopefully Kiptyn doesn’t end up being like him.
Well, Tanner is out. No more talk of foot fetishes, which made me laugh, so I’m going to miss that. Jake, you are sweet and you will find someone, just don’t push too hard to find it. Wes, I hope you go home soon. Jesse, I’m not sure about you yet. You seem cool. Michael, you are fun and sweet, but you are probably a little too young. Reid and Kiptyn, I hope you are the two that make it to the end.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Some of Jack's Firsts
By the way, it was Father's Day. Jack, you have the greatest father in the world!
Jack got used to the water pretty fast. He's always done well with baths, so I figured he would probably be ok, but you never know if babies are going to start screaming when you put them in water.
I'm glad that Jack seemed to like the water and have fun. I should have bought some water toys for him to play with in there, although he can't quite sit fully unassisted yet and those will probably be more useful then.
A couple of weeks ago, we gave Jack rice cereal for the first time. Now, I'm not sure if any of you other mothers have tasted this before giving it to your child, but I'm surprised Jack did not call social services on us for making him eat this stuff. It tastes like wallpaper paste mixed with metal particles. It's absolutely gross and Jack agrees:
Needless to say, I couldn't keep the rice cereal in his mouth for too long. Why do the manufacturers of rice cereal or doctors even recommend it if its not going to go down the babies throat??? I assume that it's easiest on their stomachs and so that is why you should start off with that, but my child is clearly not pleased with it!
"Mommy, if this tastes anything like what you have given me so far, I'm going to be really upset"...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Therapy Thursday
I am not quite sure how to deal with this. I would like to not hold on to previous anger and just deal with things in the present time. But how is that possible? I feel that my husband would like me to forget any previous “issues” we have had and not bring them into the conversations we have now, but how can you not be affected by the way things have happened before if they have not been resolved? How can we find a way to talk constructively (which for me means not getting angry and for him, not retreating and thinking that I am trying to criticize?). I think this is one of the hardest parts of marriage. Luckily, I have a husband who is open to working things out and I think we can find ways to improve our communication. Our relationship overall is pretty darn great, but I know that it I am going to have to make some changes within myself and not just expect him to...and I am going to give it my all, so we don’t keep going in circles.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Jack at 5 Months
- You are getting better at sitting every day. You can hold your own for a little bit in the tripod position.
- You are incredibly strong and pull at everything, including my hair (please stop doing that because I have too little hair as it is).
-- You love standing on your legs and act like you are "the man" for doing it.
- -- Your only other food besides formula that you have had is rice cereal, which tastes like wallpaper paste (as mommy and daddy know as we stupidly decided to taste it). Hold on one more month or so baby, then you will get the good stuff...like sweet potatoes, bananas, and squash (not sure if you'll like the squash).
- If we try and put a cookie in front of your mouth to see if you will suck on it, you turn your head every time. Yet if we put a scoop of formula in front of your mouth, you chomp down on it. I am perplexed by this. You obviously can't be my son if you don't want cookies!
- You are trying your hardest to move/crawl when you are on your belly and pushing yourself up. You grunt a lot since you cannot make that happen yet.
- You are about 17 lbs, 5 oz and 26 3/4 inches long. You are in the 77th percentile for weight and 89th for height. You're still a big boy!
- You're just about to grow out of a size 2 diaper.
- You have sprouted a little more hair (or fuzz as we like to call it). You are still pretty bald though.
- You have learned that the pacifier is supposed to go in your mouth and you try on your own to put it in there (you have only done it correctly once and I was very proud).
- There are times when we can get you to hold your bottle for 30 seconds to a minute. We know it's just a fluke when you do, but it seems like you want to.
- You love to play peek-a-boo.
- You still sleep through the night...for the most part. We have our days when you are up four or five times and we cannot figure out why.
- We feel no teeth poking through yet, but swear you are teething (indicated by the massive amount of drool and overwhelming need to put everything in your mouth).
- You are a mellow baby and many people comment on how good you are.
- You are still the cutest and sweetest baby in your mom and dad's eyes and we still can't believe how much we love you!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friend Makin' Mondays...On a Tuesday
Every Monday over at Kasey's All That is Good Blog, she gives directions for Friend Makin' Mondays which includes a different activity to be done by readers on their own blogs to get to know their fellow bloggers. Usually, it is anything from answering questions, sharing pictures, and things that help everyone to get know each other and support each other better. I have seen this on a couple of blogs and have decided to join in...albeit a day late...
- There is a candy jar at work with bite size candy bars and I usually eat anywhere from 5-10 a day. I think I eat probably the equivalent of 3 full candy bars on a daily basis. This does not help me lose any of the pregnancy weight and probably why I have been stagnant with the weight loss.
- I have not told any of my family (including my husband) or close friends about this blog yet as I am afraid they will judge me for it.
- I miss the freedom I had before I had a child. I would not trade my baby for anything though.
- I feel that I do not read or watch enough educational books or programs and fill my brain with too much useless knowledge...but that this is all my brain can handle right now.
- Related to number 4, I watch way too much reality television.
- Like Kasey , I was engaged once before the current hubby. While I will always have fond memories of that man, I do not regret ending the engagement as it has brought me where I am today.
- I need anger management. I do not handle arguments well as my husband can attest to.
- Even though I have a great life and a pretty good self esteem, I often feel that people are more "with it" than I am and have more exciting lives.
- I tend to space out. I was given a most likely award by my cheer group in high school called most likely to space out.
Ok everyone. I have confessed, now it's your turn. Go here for the rules.
Weekend Buys
I have to say, I am not a shopper. I am cheap (everyone always tells me to use the term frugal, but really, I am cheap). I rarely buy anything for myself and when I do, it's inexpensive. It's the way that I have always been, even if I have the money for things. While some people might think being cheap is a bad thing, I'm glad it's a trait of mine (and so is my husband...he's the same way). Occasionaly, I do find items that I want that are inexpensive and so I "splurge" (although splurge for me is not what it means for others). I bought a few things this weekend without spending much money, which I'm happy about.
I got this cute dress from Dots for only $16. I like it because I can wear it for work and on the weekends. It's really comfortable and has a summer-y feel to it.
Here is a perfect example of my cheapness. See the flip flops on the left...I have had those for years...years people. You can see in the picture that they have teeth marks (from my dog chewing on them) and they are ragged and falling apart. But hey, they served their purpose and they were very inexpensive. Well, finally yesterday, I purchased a new pair of flip flops...for only $6! But, I realized that cheap doesn't always cut it. I have only worn them for a very short period of time and they are pretty terrible. They kind of slip off my feet as I am walking and have almost made me trip a couple of times. I don't know if they will become comfortable or not, but I'm thinking that I just wasted $6.
Monday, June 15, 2009
I'm sore and I'm walking funny
The only fun part of the workout (besides the end of it) was that I got to listen to some new music on my ipod. But what wasn't good was the reason I was listening to new music. On Saturday, I went to download a few songs and somehow managed to delete my entire music library (...tear...). I pressed a button (which did not say press this and you will lose everything) and lost everything. I tried to look in every location on my computer to see if I could find the music that I previously had on it and could not find it (proof as to why I should back this stuff up). I was totally bummed. I had a lot on there from over the years, and it was wiped out. So, I went download crazy and put a bunch of new music on my ipod. Not good for my pocketbook, but it was great to have some new songs on there to motivate me while I am working out.
I stepped on the scale after the workout, and while I will not post the weight here (I like to keep that between me, myself and I), it looks like I really only have about 5 lbs to lose to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight (and really, I am not sure if I should expect to get back down to that). That's not too bad.
One issue that I have when working out is that I get beat red. I mean, as in fire red. Today was no different. If people were watching me, I think they would have probably thought I was going to explode. The redness lasts even after I have taken a shower and put on my makeup. I had to blast the air conditioning in my car for the couple of minutes it took to drive from the gym to work. That helped some and at least I did not look like a tomato. Does anybody else experience this? If so, do you know any tricks to get rid of the redness?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Now, here's where they are:
I have had my eye on this wicker chest from Target for a while now and every time I'm there debate whether or not I should get it. I have known that we would need some type of chest/toy chest at some point to deal with the mounting toys that seem to increase every week, but never bit the bullet and got one. That is until yesterday.
This little guy now thinks that I should buy him more toys as that chest is not quite full yet.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
So I Know I Can't Dance Like These Guys/Gals
I have liked Evan all through the auditions. He is so cute...and Randi is too.I also like the couple of Melissa (the oldest contestant at 29 - yay us old people!!!) and Ade. They both look really strong.
I'm not really sure who will go all the way this year as most of them are great.
We will get to see who the first couple to go home is tonight. Anybody have any guesses of who it will be???
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Hello My Old Friend
Hopefully, I will stick to the workouts and next month, the women "issues" will not rear their ugly head so much!
Are any other women dealing with the onset of this after recently having a baby? Do you find that working out helps???
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday's BBQ
I also made some cheesecake bars that turned out really well.
Man, I love to eat!
Here are some pictures from the BBQ:
There were a ton of mosquitoes flying around and my legs were getting destroyed until I found some bug spray. This year has been really bad in terms of mosquitoes, ants, and other creepy bugs due to the heavy rains. We had to break out all of the citronella candles...even they didn't help much.
Jack's "nanny" (Auntie Jen) brought him to my work last Friday and I took him around to show him off (and he smiled and flirted with all of the girls - daddy would be proud). We then went and met daddy for lunch at the Taco Mac by his work. After lunch, daddy took him around his work, so he had a busy day. Here are some pics from Taco Mac. Jack does so well in restaurants. I think he's fascinated by all of the noise, so he doesn't get fussy.