So, for all of you out there who watch the Bachelorette, what did you think of last night’s show?
Last night we saw Jillian and the boys take a multi-day train ride through the Rocky Mountains, which I for one, would love to do. The scenery on the trip looked absolutely amazing!
Jillian first went on a one on one Robbie the bartender. She did not feel he was ready for the long term and gave him the boot. He was cute, but she’s right, he is probably too young and doesn’t seem quite like he knows what he wants in life yet. Later, Jillian had a date with Kiptyn, Michael, Wes, Jesse, Tanner and Jake where they went snowshoeing and hung out at a dream cabin. Wes let it be known that he is basically there for promoting himself (as if we didn’t know that). Tanner decided that he would put himself out there (as he thinks that he is too shy sometimes) and showed off his package (covered up though) in front of Jillian and the rest of the guys. I can’t help but laugh at him. Later in the hot tub (there’s always got to be a hot tub), she gave my man Kiptyn the rose.
Jillian had her second one on one with Reid, who the boys say is neurotic (and he is a little bit). They went snowboarding and she was impressed that he decided to snowboard when he did not know how (apparently he knows how to ski really well). They spent some time in an ice lounge and then cozied up together. She seems to like him and she gave him a rose.
Rose Ceremony:
Jillian pulls Michael aside as she’s not quite sure if he’s ready at his age for a lifetime commitment. He assures her that he is (and seems to be telling the truth). Jillian has already given out two roses and can only give three more. She gives the three roses to Wes, Jesse and Michael, which means that Tanner and Jake are out.
My thoughts:
I felt really bad for Jake (aka Mr. Perfect). My husband and I have said every time that we see him that he needs to calm it down when he’s around Jillian as it seems that he fell for her way too fast and seems as though he could be a pushover. He was laying his cards down way to quickly and that always scares women (and men) off. But, in his post interview, you can tell that this happens to him a lot and that’s really sad. He’s cute, super nice, employed, and seems as though he really would like to fall in love and get married. He’s the type of man that we women should go for and yet, because he doesn’t seem to have any bad boy in him, we don’t. It’s wrong that we women always complain about men being jerks, yet when the good ones come along, we throw them away. So, I felt bad for him.
I sooo wish she would have gotten rid of Wes. I cannot see what Jillian sees in him and it sucks for her that she doesn’t realize who he truly is. I really wish that Tanner would have whispered when he was leaving that Wes is the one with the girlfriend. He didn’t…but, in the previews for next week, it looks like Jake comes back to let her know. Yay! Usually I don’t like vengeance as it can look desperate, but I really don’t like Wes and think that him lying to Jillian is making her look bad, and so I hope that Jake tells her the truth and that she believes him. If she doesn’t, then something is wrong with that girl. If she really wants a long term partner, she has to stay away from the bad boys and if everyone is telling you he is bad and that he’s not there for you, then there is usually some truth to that. Sometimes you can believe what you hear.
My favorites are Reid and Kiptyn and I am still rooting for Kiptyn to go all the way. He was my choice from the first time they showed him, so I’m glad he’s still there. On Deanna’s season though, Jason was my pick from the first time they showed him, so my judgment may not always be the best. Hopefully Kiptyn doesn’t end up being like him.
By the way, they keep hinting that later in the season about somebody not being able to “perform” in the bedroom physically, but I think they are just messing with us. I mean, really, would she let it be known on TV if she was going to go that far with someone. Seriously doubt it.
Well, Tanner is out. No more talk of foot fetishes, which made me laugh, so I’m going to miss that. Jake, you are sweet and you will find someone, just don’t push too hard to find it. Wes, I hope you go home soon. Jesse, I’m not sure about you yet. You seem cool. Michael, you are fun and sweet, but you are probably a little too young. Reid and Kiptyn, I hope you are the two that make it to the end.