Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Sometimes, while I do feel it, I do not vocalize my appreciation for my husband and the things that he does as often as I should (and as much as he needs to hear). This can start squabbles that don't need to happen as he feels devalued. Vocalizing his appreciation is something he is good at though. Today, Dan, I list what I appreciate about you (and it's very possible that I will leave things out as I am a new mom and as any new mom knows, part of your memory and brain become defunct...also, there is not enough room here to list everything) :
  • Your sense of humor
  • Your intelligence
  • Your ability to get me interested in topics that I would normally never have interest in by getting so excited about them
  • Your concern for our future well being and how well you handle the finances
  • The fact that you are great at science and math and therefore will have to help Jack out with those subjects in the future
  • Your mowing of the lawn (as the hill that our house is on makes it practically impossible for me to do it)
  • Taking care of the big issues/problems with our house
  • You are a hard worker and very motivated
  • You love my family and have welcomed them into your heart...and home
  • You letting our stinky dog sleep in the bed with us and push us to the very corners of that bed
  • Your good looks (this one I especially appreciate) :)
  • The fact that you are a great father and love our son with all of your heart (this one I especially appreciate too!)
There are more, of course. I want you to know that even when I go too long without saying it, I do appreciate everything you do for me, Jack and your family. You are a great man. I love you!

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