Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby, You Look Marvelous!!!

About a couple of weeks ago, a friend of ours, Larry, who does photography, came to our house and did a photo shoot with us and Jack. He took a bunch of photos and they all came out great, but here are some of the ones that I like best.

Kelly over at Kellys Korner Blog does a monthly update on her beautiful daughter Harper, and, so that I can look back at this blog as a journal of what was happening at the time, I am going to start doing the same. Sorry to steal your idea Kelly, but it’s a great one!

Jack, you are now four months old:

  • You are about 15-16lbs (We don’t know the exact amount as we do not have a baby scale and I am not sure I trust our home scale). You definitely are a big, “thriving” boy!

  • You currently eat about 29oz every day and mommy is debating whether or not to start you on rice cereal soon.

  • You still will cry sometimes when we are trying to burp you during a feeding. You do not like your food being taken away!

  • You still fit into 3-6 month clothing, but can wear some 6-9 month.

  • You have mastered rolling from your tummy to your back and love to do it since mommy and daddy cheer excessively when you do. Now, we just need to master the back to tummy roll. We are going to use the same excessive cheering strategy to get you to do this.

  • You don’t hate tummy time anymore. You lift your head up really well and reach for toys when you are on your tummy.

  • You sleep through the night from about 9:15 pm -7:15 am…for the most part. When you break yourself out of the swaddle you wake up and sometimes need to be re-swaddled to go back to sleep.

  • You drool constantly and sometimes it comes out in globs.

  • You are at the stage where you want everything in your mouth. You shove your entire fist in your mouth and talk like crazy. You want to eat them so much; you even wake up in the middle of the night to shove them in there.

  • You really focus your eyes on people and objects much more than you were before.

  • You are talking and smiling a lot, but only laughing here and there. Apparently, mommy and daddy aren’t funny enough for you yet.

  • You have a little blanket with a dog head that you are attached to that we call your snugglebear (which doesn’t quite make sense since it is a dog and not a bear).

  • You still have a tendency to scratch up your face with your fingernails, even after they have been cut (as low as we feel safe doing). I think this is from the fact that as soon as you wake up, you take your hands and run them down your face like somebody who is scratching their nails on a chalkboard.

  • You have a minor stuffy nose and cough that has stuck around but that seems to be getting better.

  • You are on a pretty set schedule (for naps, feeding and playtime) that you follow very well. This has been very nice for mommy and daddy!

  • You like bath time and love to look at yourself in the mirror when taking a bath.

  • You are wearing a size 2 diaper, but those will probably get tight really soon.

  • You are still pretty bald, but your fuzz has gotten a little thicker in the past couple of weeks.

  • You are fussing/crying only rarely now.

  • Your eyes are still blue…a big feat considering that mommy’s eyes are brown and in my family, brown eyes dominate. You got them from daddy.

And, that's who you are at four months Jack! Mommy and daddy love you so much!!!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Cute blog, found you through kellys! Your son is handsome!! This idea is great . . I wish I would have done it!