Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jack at 5 Months

Jack, you are five months old today...

  • You are getting better at sitting every day. You can hold your own for a little bit in the tripod position.

  • You are incredibly strong and pull at everything, including my hair (please stop doing that because I have too little hair as it is).

-- You love standing on your legs and act like you are "the man" for doing it.

  • -- Your only other food besides formula that you have had is rice cereal, which tastes like wallpaper paste (as mommy and daddy know as we stupidly decided to taste it). Hold on one more month or so baby, then you will get the good sweet potatoes, bananas, and squash (not sure if you'll like the squash).

  • If we try and put a cookie in front of your mouth to see if you will suck on it, you turn your head every time. Yet if we put a scoop of formula in front of your mouth, you chomp down on it. I am perplexed by this. You obviously can't be my son if you don't want cookies!

  • You are trying your hardest to move/crawl when you are on your belly and pushing yourself up. You grunt a lot since you cannot make that happen yet.

  • You are about 17 lbs, 5 oz and 26 3/4 inches long. You are in the 77th percentile for weight and 89th for height. You're still a big boy!

  • You're just about to grow out of a size 2 diaper.

  • You have sprouted a little more hair (or fuzz as we like to call it). You are still pretty bald though.

  • You have learned that the pacifier is supposed to go in your mouth and you try on your own to put it in there (you have only done it correctly once and I was very proud).

  • There are times when we can get you to hold your bottle for 30 seconds to a minute. We know it's just a fluke when you do, but it seems like you want to.

  • You love to play peek-a-boo.

  • You still sleep through the night...for the most part. We have our days when you are up four or five times and we cannot figure out why.

  • We feel no teeth poking through yet, but swear you are teething (indicated by the massive amount of drool and overwhelming need to put everything in your mouth).

  • You are a mellow baby and many people comment on how good you are.

  • You are still the cutest and sweetest baby in your mom and dad's eyes and we still can't believe how much we love you!

1 comment:

Helen Joy said...

Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog:-) It means a lot! Little Jack is really precious! Happy 5 months!
Love Helen Joy